Thursday, August 24, 2006

What would life be like??

What would it be like if you could see yourself like others see you? Would you be happy with what you saw, or would it scare you to death? I wonder why is it so hard for us to believe in ourselves. What is keeping us from pursuing our dreams? Is it fear of failure, rejection, that we won't be the best. I think it's all of those things. If you haven't seen the movie, "What about Bob", then you have to see it and remember the words "baby steps". I think sometimes we get discouraged because it's taking too long for our dreams to come true. We live in a society where everything happens now. If you're an artist, let's say a guitar player, and you want to sell CD's,
the only way you'll sell 70,000 CDs is to first sell one. If the people you trust tell you you're good at something and to follow your dream, then do it. But use "baby steps". Whatever your dream is, you can achieve it with the love and support of those you trust.

1 comment:

v2or said...

who u talken about hear girl?